
The story of a place
is in its people.

Our "Why"
At Vaakh, we are on an incredible mission to bring forward the beauty that thrives within the valley of Kashmir, India.
The region has been popular on the UN table and various governments' war rooms for a few decades now, making headlines for its disputes every now and then.
Despite the adversity, the artisanal community has kept the heirloom alive in a time that has rendered their authenticity, skills, and trade difficult to access.
Our vision is to keep the artisans' enduring spirit alive by helping them, and you, access something precious.

A glimpse into the life of our artisanal community.

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Meet the Co-founder — Supreet Kaur
"As a young girl, I read fairy tales, and dreamed in technicolor. As a young woman, I read fairy tales and fashion magazines, and dream in glorious technicolor. And I believe that dreams should come true…in style.
But beautiful dreams are born out of a meaningful life: a life lived intensely, for the self as well as for the world.
So, my different avatars* include a gardener, a yoga instructor, a French teacher, a brand consultant, and a portal for the lesser known treasures of the Kashmiri handicraft industry.
Vaakh reflects my personality. My sense of style speaks via these unique, exclusive, handmade statement rugs, made by artisanal families who wandered into the peaceful, lush, myriad-streams-fed plains of the Kashmir Valley several hundred years ago. Today, under the shadow of guns and uncertainty, they continue to hold on to this dying art.
And I will not let it die, for a woman's reach should exceed her grasp, or what's a heaven for!"
*avatar: Sanskrit; a material incarnation of a deity.

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Our rugs behold four rare elements & one is within you.

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